
Starting a Club or Organization

Student clubs and/or organizations can be an important part of student development. Clubs and organizations provide students the opportunity to:

  • Interact with faculty, staff, and students.
  • Pursue special interests.
  • Learn to work effectively with others.
  • Become actively involved in extracurricular activities.
  • Gain meaningful life experiences.

Types of Student Clubs/Organizations

Professional and departmental clubs/organizations are designed for students intending to pursue interests which contribute to their chosen career field and their career development.

Membership for scholastic honorary clubs/organizations is based on academic excellence and achievement.

Service clubs/organizations are designed for students wishing to contribute to Hawkeye and/or the community.

Special interest clubs/organizations are designed for students wishing to pursue a particular interest or vocation. Examples include political clubs, club sports, multicultural clubs, etc.

Registering a Club/Organization

Clubs/organizations interested in registration and thereby funding, and various on-campus benefits and privileges, must register through Student Leadership Council by submitting the following completed forms:

  1. Advisor Agreement form [pdf]
  2. Registration and Roster Form [pdf]
  3. A proposed constitution, including the purpose, requirements of membership, organizational structure and proposed objectives or activities. See sample constitution [pdf].

Club/Organization Registration Process

  1. The Student Activities department along with Student Leadership Council will review the registration materials and vote on the registration of the proposed club/organization. If needed, a club representative may be asked to attend a meeting to answer any questions relating to the establishment of the club/organization and its purpose.

  2. The designated club advisor will be notified when the group has voted on your club/organization registration.

  3. All registered clubs/organizations must develop a club/organization web page on the Hawkeye website. Contact the webmaster with the following information:

    You can also add:

    • Description of the club/organization, goals, and what the club does.
    • Advisor contact info including name, phone, email, office location.
    • Meeting Information including date, time, location of at least the first meeting of the semester.
    • Student Leadership such as president, vice president, etc.
    • Photos
    • Past and/or upcoming activities and events
    • How to join
    • Student work

As per the Hawkeye Free Expression policy and state law, student organizations may register with the College, and receive the benefits and privileges of registration, without regard to the viewpoints or expression of the viewpoints of the student organization. By registering a student organization, the College does not sponsor, adopt, or represent the viewpoints or expression of viewpoints of a registered student organization.

Clubs/organizations must understand and follow the rules, requirements, and policies established by the Student Leadership Council and Student Activities office. Students and student organizations are expected to adhere to all College requirements and polices, particularly the Student Code of Conduct.

Contact Information

Student Activities

Brock Student Center
1-800-670-4769 ext.4027
Email Student Activities

Regular Hours — Fall 2024

July 29 – December 20, 2024
Monday–Thursday 7:30am–4:30pm
Friday 7:30am–3:30pm

If campus is closed, the Brock Student Center is also closed. This includes weather-related closings. See scheduled college closings.

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